Mai 02, 2023

Samples of Loan Agreement Letter

When it comes to borrowing money, a loan agreement letter is an essential document that helps to establish the terms and conditions of the loan. This letter serves as a legal contract between two parties, the lender and the borrower, and outlines the amount borrowed, repayment terms, interest rates, and any other relevant details related to the loan.

Here are some samples of loan agreement letters that can help you draft your own loan agreement letter:

Sample 1: Personal Loan Agreement Letter


[Name of Lender]

[Address of Lender]

[City, State ZIP Code]

[Name of Borrower]

[Address of Borrower]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Name of Lender]

I, [Name of Borrower], hereby agree to borrow [Loan amount] from you, [Name of Lender], and promise to repay the entire loan amount along with interest at the rate of [Interest rate]% per annum.

The loan amount will be paid back in monthly installments of [Amount] for a period of [Duration] months starting from [Date of first repayment] until [Date of final repayment].

I understand that failure to make timely repayments will result in additional interest charges and other fees. I also agree to provide collateral in the form of [Name of collateral] to secure this loan.

Thank you for providing me with this loan, and I am grateful for your trust in my ability to repay it.


[Name of Borrower]

Sample 2: Business Loan Agreement Letter


[Name of Lender]

[Address of Lender]

[City, State ZIP Code]

[Name of Borrower]

[Address of Borrower]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Name of Lender]

I, [Name of Borrower], on behalf of [Name of Company] hereby agree to borrow [Loan amount] from you, [Name of Lender], and promise to repay the entire loan amount along with interest at the rate of [Interest rate]% per annum.

The loan amount will be paid back in monthly installments of [Amount] for a period of [Duration] months starting from [Date of first repayment] until [Date of final repayment].

I understand that failure to make timely repayments will result in additional interest charges and other fees. I also agree to provide collateral in the form of [Name of collateral] to secure this loan.

Furthermore, I assure you that this loan will only be used for business purposes as stated in the loan agreement letter, and adequate records of all expenses will be maintained.

Thank you for providing us with this loan, and we look forward to working with you in the future.


[Name of Borrower]

In conclusion, a loan agreement letter is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of a loan. These samples can serve as a guide to help you draft your own letter and ensure that all necessary information is included. Remember to seek legal advice if necessary, to ensure that your loan agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

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